Hearth’s Warming Con was a Dutch brony convention that took place in Hoofddorp, Haarlem and Vijfhuizen. 2020 was their last edition. This animation is the second opening animation I made for the convention. The drawing in this animation has improved, but the story was more boring compared to that last one. The theme of the convention was about school and education. So I brought this back in the story by letting my character attend a chemistry class, which went completely wrong and putting Ember (the mascot of the convention) in class as a teacher.

At first, this would just be a regular annoucement animation for my YouTube channel, until the convention contacted me and asked if they can display the animation at the opening ceremonies.

Before 2020, I’ve made attempts on drawing Ember, because the 2018 drawings looked quiet messy. In Adobe Animate I used the pencil tool instead of the brush tool so the lines look a lot smoother and I used sketches this time.

I had more time making this animation compared to two years ago. But the sound editing and post production required more time. This is my lesson for next time making an (opening) animation.